Alternative Power
InSpire, the transpired solar collector from ATAS International , utilizes precision perforated metal panels to preheat ventilation air via solar energy.
Gutters & Accessories
Rainware by ATAS serves as a functional and attractive detail to roof systems with products available for both residential and commercial applications.
Metal Framing
ATAS offers structural frames & trusses offer easy installation which can be applied to almost any building and/or roof.
Moulding & Millwork
ATAS International Exterior Metal Crown Moldings can be custom applied to eaves, gable ends, rakes, frieze boards, and dormers. The Architectural Metal Column Covers offer design options to create a uniform appearance or cover an unsightly support.
The ATAS roofing product line offers a variety of profiles available in aluminum, steel, zinc and copper.
Siding & Exterior Trim
ATAS ceilings and soffits serve the architectural needs of an interior or exterior ceiling system.
ATAS metal wall panels are available in narrow or wide ribbed panels with hidden or exposed fasteners.