Channellock, Inc.


Channellock, Inc.'s manufactures more than 75 different sizes and types of high quality pliers, plus wrenches, screwdrivers, toolsets and more.

Subcategory: Hand Tools
Tool Type: Crimpers, Pliers, Screwdrivers, Snips, Socket Wrenches, Strippers, Wrenches

Everhard Products


Everhard Products, Inc. is an American manufacturer of specialty hand tools for a wide range of industries and markets.

Subcategory: HVAC / Plumbing
Tool Type: Aviation Snips, Blade Knives, Cutters, Drive Tools, Duct Tools, Hammers, Laminate Shears, Pliers, Shears, Strippers, Tongs, Wrenches

Ideal Electrical


No one supports, understands and equips the electrician quite like IDEAL. In every product we make, and in everything we do, we are The Electrician's Champion™

Subcategory: Hand Tools, Safety & Protection
Tool Type: Accessories, Bits, Cutters, Electrical Test Kits, Meters & Controls, Pliers, Ratchets, Screwdrivers, Strippers, Tester & Measurements, Tool Aprons, Bags, Pouches, Voltage Detectors, Voltage Meters, Voltage Safety, Wire Pulling Supplies

Klein Tools


Klein is the only major tool manufacturer worldwide focused on electrical and utility applications.

Subcategory: Hand Tools
Tool Type: Chisels, Conduit, Crimpers, Cutters, Electrical Test Kits, Flashlights, Hammers, Knee Pads, Levels, Nut Drivers, Pliers, Saw Blades, Saws, Screwdrivers, Solder Wires, Bars, Fluxes, Strippers, Tester & Measurements, Tool Lanyards

Malco Products


Malco Products manufacturers a complete line of innovative specialty hand tools designed to make your jobs easier, faster and much more precise.

Subcategory: Bending, Cutting, Drilling/Driving, Fastening, Layout & Leveling, Measuring & Marking, Striking & Struck
Tool Type: Aviation Snips, Bits, Blade Knives, Blades, Cutters, Drive Tools, Duct Tools, Hammers, Levels, Nut Drivers, Pliers, Pry Bars, Punches, Seamers, Shears, Snips, Strippers, Tape Measures, Wrenches