Ideal Electrical

Lighting & Electrical
Pulling wire and bending pipe can be tedious and frustrating which is why IDEAL offers cleaners and lubes to make the job easier.
Wire & Cable Lubricants & Cleaners, Wire Management Systems
IDEAL has a wire connector that’s right for every job.
Connector Tools, Connectors & Fasteners, Disconnect Fuse Kits, Electrical Test & Measurement, Grounding & Bonding, Terminations, Wire Management Systems
No one supports, understands and equips the electrician quite like IDEAL. In every product we make, and in everything we do, we are The Electrician's Champion™
Hand Tools, Safety & Protection
Tool Type:
Accessories, Bits, Cutters, Electrical Test Kits, Meters & Controls, Pliers, Ratchets, Screwdrivers, Strippers, Tester & Measurements, Tool Aprons, Bags, Pouches, Voltage Detectors, Voltage Meters, Voltage Safety, Wire Pulling Supplies