Stego Industries
Masonry & Concrete
Stego's Beast® Screed is a fixed-elevation, point-to-point guide screed system that allows you to maintain floor levelness during the screeding operation.
Deck Foot, Screed System
Weatherization & Flashing
Drago Wrap by Stego Industries, is a cost-effective 3-in-1 product solution providing unsurpassed protection from chlorinated solvents, hydrocarbons, and moisture vapor.
Vapor Barrier
Stego Industries' PANGO Termite and Vapor Barrier is a physical barrier against subterranean termites and moisture vapor.
Termite Barrier, Vapor Barrier
STEGO's high-performance vapor barriers & retarders protect the building envelope from below-slab moisture vapor and other contaminants.
Vapor Barrier, Vapor Retarder