Insulation - Foundation
Due to its versatility, ease of installation and consistent performance benefits, rigid EPS insulating sheathing is a standard in the industry. Amvic has recently introduced SilveRboard a reflective aluminum foil lamination to the rigid EPS insulation board to increase the resistance of radiant heat absorption.
STYROFOAM Foundation Insulation
Dupont insulation products are installed against the exterior side of the foundation wall.
Environmentally Safe Products
ESP Low-E reflective is manufactured using a polyethlyene foam core with scrim reinforced double sided aluminum facings.
Insulation Corporation of America
Insulation Corporation of America (ICA), located in Allentown, PA, is a women and family owned, "Made in America" manufacturer of expanded polystyrene (EPS). EPS is commonly used as insulation for walls, foundations and roofing.
Progressive Foam
Progressive Foam® is a manufacturer of foam insulation products for home exterior siding applications and is the inventor of insulated vinyl siding.
Reflectix is the world's largest manufacturer of reflective insulation.
Styro Industries helps you Insulate and Beautify your home with energy efficient FP Ultra Lite Rigid Foam Foundation Insulation Panels!